Wednesday, June 15, 2005

We're back!

After a short house cleaning of posts, our blog is back up and running. You will not see as much "commentary" as you did previously. Apparently that didn't go over very well with some, so we will just keep it informational and not get quite so personal. :-)

Not as fun, but hey, you can't please everyone so we won't try.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally I enjoyed Simon's "observations" of our American way of life. And agreed with him for the most part.For those that have never traveled anywhere else or experienced other life styles out of their own community it may have seemed a bit harsh. But he was being real and honest and you all need to realize, beyond what the media and the politicians have brainwashed us with, that there are other places in this world that are actually civilized and in some places more civilized then we are when it comes to crime/violence/child molesters and all that crap we now have to live with. We, in a lot of respects are very primitive, especially when it comes to traditions, manners and the like. Remember..we all decend from a bunch of fugitives, convicts, thugs, thieves, poor folk and the like. We, now, a couple generations later, like to put on airs and act like we've got class when it was only like my generation,that finally learned which fork to use. So let's not be snobby and uppety when it comes to what Simon observes about us. He comes from a more civilized, gentile society then we are. Lighten up on the guy. And remember the old saying-" F... it if you can't take a joke".
Liza's Mum

9:16 PM  
Blogger the hodge said...

There is a wealth of response that can be made to that response - but I feel it would be unnecessary.

So, I shall just say;

"Go Yankie!!"


11:22 PM  

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