Thursday, June 23, 2005

Making plans

Tonight we got to talk for a significant period of time without me driving in the car someplace, or Simon having to run off to a rehearsal or performance or something. It was nice. To just relax and chat, spend good time together - well, as together as we can be right now.

We talked about some dvds he's bought, eBay stuff, making dinner, and about the wedding. Most of our conversation centered around choosing the readings for the ceremony. Father Liberty has delibereratly not given us the little planning book with the typical readings in it, because he wants us to focus more on the marriage right now and not he ceremony.

But I think Simon made a good point. Given the fact that we do not live together and not even near each other, this is the first thing in our lives that we will have to plan together, as a couple, that will have lasting impact on us. We are in the kindergarten class of functioning as a husband and wife. Making decisions, making plans, talking things through and considering the other's needs and desires, as well as those of our guests and family. Yes, there are flowers to be considered, a menu to be planned, etc. But all that doesn't matter. What matters to us is that our wedding truly speaks of who we are as a couple and as individuals. Not from the typical mushy gushy we are so in love perspective, but what marriage means to us as it is bathed in the light of the Church.

You won't be hearing from First Corinthians. While it's nice and lovely, and perfect for some, we won't be having that reading. We have chosen instead to focus on the sacrificial aspects of marriage in contrast with Christ's sacrifice for us. And while this may boor some to tears, or possibly blow right past others, it will speak to us of what we want our marriage to be. We want to give of ourselves, one to the other, so that the other might live. Not in this life as we know it, but where we ultimately want our beloved to be. Where our God wants us to be.

This doesn't mean that we don't acknowledge the love or the romance of marriage, there will be a bit of that as well. But we are not defined by our love for each other. That is far too limiting. Our love has many facets, and the primary one is our shared Faith. That is what we will choose to present to our family and friends on our wedding day.

So, while we have so far agreed on all the other silly stuff like the color of the roses, and what sort of tie he will wear, we have found the best and closest conversation around the important stuff. Defining our vision and understanding of marriage within the context of our Faith.

Being in love with this man is pure bliss.



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