Friday, January 13, 2006

Drama! Do we really need more drama??

Simon made it home safe and sound. Sigh......

So we are back on the visa journey again, and start looking at what to do next. We know that he has to have his medical appointment (they want to make sure he's not bringing any strange buzeezes to America, because we don't have any here), and order his police report (just so they know if he's a cereal killer or not - we must protect our Cheerios at all costs.)

Looking through all the paperwork and talking through how long stuff takes, we realize that our original petition is going to expire on February 21!!!!!!! OH NOOOOO!!!!!!

The police report takes at least 40 days, and he still wasn't scheduled for his medical. So he takes the next day off work to get it all sorted. He schedules the medical for the 16th, and goes to the police office to order the report. Meanwhile, I spend a Monday afternoon trying to find out what the heck we are supposed to do if our petition expires. Do we have to start all over at the begining? God forbid - I don't know if I could live through it again!!!

I learn from the wonderful and helpful people on the forum we belong to which is devoted to such things, that we need to request an extension. It needs to be a notarized letter, sent to the consulate in London.

So - I get sick with a horrible cold. I stay home in bed on Tuesday, not thinking it will be the end of the world. I go to work on Wednesday, letter in hand, and have it notarized. I run to the post office, and to FedEx - neither of them could get the letter to Simon before Friday so he can hand deliver it to the consulate in London when he is there on Monday. Oh my - NOW WHAT!!?? Why in the world did I have to get sick when I did? If I had mailed it one day sooner he could have picked it up. Oh well, what can you do, right?

So I emailed the consulate (THANK GOD for the Internet!!). They wrote me back a couple days later and told me that the thing does expire - but that we do NOT have to start the whole process over!!! All we need to do is have a notarized letter of intent that we still intend to marry within 90 days of his arrival in the States. HUZZAH!!! We have such a letter!!!! It's now winging its way to England as we speak, and he will take it to his interview once it's scheduled.

He also received a letter from the police today that he should have the report by the 19th of February!!!! Coolness reigns.

I keep having to think, that once this is all over and we don't have to deal with immigration any more, we will look back and say ----- oh, it wasn't that bad.




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