Saturday, October 24, 2009


So, I joined the FaceBook (that link is to my official, actual, real profile on the book of faces). Those of you who are on the FaceBook can apply to be my friend, and then follow whatever I put on FaceBook.

Some context and musings seems apropos here. Firstly, I long resisted joining FaceBook because it seemed like a lot of effort for no real reason - I always said that I could keep in touch with my friends by writing them an email or giving them a call. The counter to this (that FaceBook was "easier" because you gave generic information to everyone) never commended itself to me - it seemed to devalue a friendship by saying "Oh, hey you and fifty other people - here is what I am doing! Impersonalism ahoy!" To a very large extent, I still agree with this, and the generic FaceBookery (the microblogging posts, the pictures, the status updates etc.) will not take the place of more detailed communication with individuals.

Still - I was never a very good correspondent in that regard, and so FaceBook may prove advantageous to those individuals on the periphery of my social circle, or who are as bad correspondents as I am.

I initially joined FaceBook because of the FarmVille application - Liza was playing it a lot, and it looked like it was awesome fun. Also; it allowed the opportunity to build a vast maze with hedges and toparies etc. etc. which I thought was cool. When I joined by friend Andrew had already built such a maze, and so my plans were stymied. I have now, however, decided on a different vanity project, and am currently grinding like mad to get the requisite money and space to build it.

Sad, I know.

However, when I joined FaceBook I was immediately contacted by an old friend from the UK, who has since completely changed the direction of his life. It was nice to reconnect with old chums like this. I also had to block a crazy individual I had no desire to speak with eveery again - but such things are the nature of the world.

Speaking of "the nature of the world", one hears such horror stories about people losing jobs, friendships, respect and so forth via FaceBook - people post ill-thought-out statements which their boss reads and so forth. Naturally, one wishes to avoid such things if at all possible.

I have come to the conclusion that one is required to either be very circumspect in who one chooses as a friend, or be very circumspect in what one says. Because FaceBook shows everything you say (with a few exceptions) to everyone on your friends list, comments have to be suitable for all the audience.

So, you can create a very small, tight-knit group of friends and say whatever you like - because you are all close friends and revelation of information such as employment, location, personal comments etc. is not an issue. Or, you can have a much larger group - but be careful with what you say (no personal information, information about location etc. etc.)

I chose the later - primarially because one is generally a member of several tight-knit circles, and one would need several FaceBook accounts ... which would kind of defeat the purpose of FaceBook, no? So, I use Yahoo! Groups for such tight-knit communication with groups (and use regular email for personal communication with individuals).

Ultimately, what does this mean for my FaceBook friends? Well - you won't be getting anything really juicy on there. In fact, most of it will be silly posts, sarcastic remarks and demands for cupcakes. It is, indeed, of limited value. If you want to actually engage with me, it is going to have to be the old-fashioned way.

Still, if you want to be a friend (and I actually know you) then welcome! And if you want to join FarmVille and be my neighbor, I will be even more grateful!


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