Monday, January 23, 2006

Hurry up ----- and wait.

His medical is done - they poked and prodded, and apparently he has an eye that does not work correctly. DK with glasses? Could be very sexy. hehehe

The police report has been ordered and should arrive around mid February. The letter has been sent to request the extension of our petition.

Now all we do is wait. We wait for his police report to arrive, then he sends off the checklist to the consulate telling them he's ready for his interview. Then he makes yet another trip to London.

So - for those wondering what's going on. Nothing. Nothing is going on except waiting. We have done everything we are required to do at this point, all we can do is wait for the process to take its course.

In the mean time, I am in major nesting mode. Re-doing the bathroom, buying stuff for him so he can inhabit THE CRATER (the basement actually), and then next is transforming the extra bedroom into a dressing room, and moving furnature and stuff around. I'm trying to keep busy and keep my mind occupied so I don't go crazy with waiting.

It's amazing how much more patient I'm becoming through all this. ---that's not a joke (mother), I'm really serious.

Anyway - this is avoidance behavior - must get back to work.



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