Thursday, May 04, 2006

Happy Spring!

It's finally spring! Things are green and flowers are popping out all over the place, it's warm, and a beautiful thing to drive with no shoes on! I love that!

So the planning continues - making arrangements for shipping of things from there to here, finalizing arrangements with where we will have our little luncheon, trying to find a place for the rehearsal meal that won't make us poor, all the fun little things about planning a wedding. :-)

In the mean time, I've been dealing with a nearly broken ankle from missing a step in the corridor at church. Yes, the very evening I would have been fondly remembering the evening of our engagement, I spent with an extremely seriously injured ankle. That was weeks ago, and I'm just now starting to walk in a manner that might be called close to "normal". Still limping with a great deal of pain still, and my toes are still purple - I had to resort to buying another pair of flat shoes. I am totally convinced that there is no such thing as cute flat shoes. And with them, I had to purchase three pair of trousers that are short enough to wear with said flat shoes, or I have very few options for getting dressed for work. I suspect it will be a few months till I can wear proper shoes again.


Anyway, enough about my foot woe!! We are getting married!! This is a really wonderful and amazing thing. I can think of this from a very practical standpoint and realize that I will no longer be alone, I will have someone to be my "helpmate". But from a more important perspective, I will no longer be alone - and I will have a helpmate. The impact of what this really means can be staggering at times. There are some who would say - what the heck is she talking about, she's been there done that, so what's the big deal all of a sudden!? Well, truth be told - I NEVER did that. I have never been in what I consider to be a true marriage in so many respects. Yes, I had a great room mate and a good friend, but Simon will be my first husband. The distinction is dramatic.

I was thinking the other day, that if I had taken the previous episode of my life even half as seriously as I do this decision to marry, it would have never happened. Who knows then what would have come of me, and I don't really care to speculate, as it's silly to do so. But the point being that this isn't just Liza finding some guy on the Internet and hookin' up with him. This is me finding the man who fits me. Not perfectly - that would be horribly booring. But the one who complements me in so many ways. The man who is my calm in the face of my panic, my light in the face of my darkness, my strength over my weakness. He knows me better than I know myself. He loves me inspite of this knowledge. He's stuborn and argumentative, and can be nasty when he's tired. But he will be the one to tell me how beautiful I am when I wake up in the morning, how I am sexy even in flat shoes, and how excited he is to leave everything he has ever known and loved - just to be with me.

The benefit of years is the ability to go into a thing with unclouded vision. Do I think this will be easy? Hell no. I know better than that. Do I think we will live happily ever after? I hope so, but I'm not naive enough to think that it will always be hearts and flowers. Do I think we will always love the way we do now? I hope we don't actually. I want our love to grow and find the depths of itself that only time and marriage can bring. My wish for us is that we will be happy, we will grow in our Faith and our love together, and that we can be an example of that Faith and love to others. Beyond that, it's all cake.

Ok - long rambling update this time. But it's been a beautiful week, I've been stuck in the house when the grass needs cutting, and so I have a lot of time to think. :-) And to sit in front of the computer!!

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to catch up on things. I am hoping that Simon will give us all an update on how the Hodges are preparing for their move to America. I know they are all VERY excited!

Love to all!



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