Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The fat lady sings in London!

Well, not quite yet, but soon it will be all over for us - at least we hope.

Simon received his police report in the mail today - the last piece of this long strage immigration trip we've been on. Now he sends in his check list telling them he's ready to go - and they schedule his interview!

And just this week I was crabbing about the waiting. The police report arrived nine days earlier than we expected. Just this morning we were chatting online about how we should be expecting it late next week!!

So anyway - just wanted to give a quick update. This is where we are, and soon we will know when his big interview date will be. I so wish I could be there with him - it's going to kill me to not be there, and to hear at the same time that we have a visa. And for a control freak like me, it's going to be a very long day till I hear from him.

I'll let every one know when we finally have an interview date, and then the outcome. If you don't see it here, surely you will hear me shouting it from the roof tops.



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