Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Yes - it's only been six months

Finally we have an interview. We have waited six long months for this - though we prepared ourselves for a year. It doesn't mean we have a visa, and I'm not going to hold my breath just yet. It means we have an interview - or rather HE has an interview as I can not afford to fly to England to be there with him when he goes.

Chances are that he will be granted a visa. I can't see any reason why this should not happen, all our paperwork is in order, and hopefully we didn't miss anything. He will travel all the way down to London for about an hour or so at a window with an immigration officer who will ask him about four questions and then welcome him to America. A bit of an anti-climax after all this waiting, but oh well.

So what's next then -
Well, assuming we do get the visa, first we will be able to set a date with the Church. From this all other things will fall in line - I hope. Given our pittiful state of financial affairs, Simon will not move here until sometime in late August. So we will plan a wedding for September timeframe I guess.

There is a plane ticket to purchase, belongings to pack and ship, a job to quit, and other sundry things associated with leaving one's country for an extended period.

Good news today - but still a very very long road to go. Once he's here the immigration stuff will continue for another three years as we file for adjustment of status, his ability to travel outside the country, working papers, then a green card, then finally permanant residency after three years of marriage.

So that's the latest - stay tuned and hopefully next we will be happy with visa finally in hand.



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