Friday, May 19, 2006

Hello from Us

Hello everyone - My name is Boris. I live with the Liza Mom. When Simon was here at Christmas last year, they came to the shoe shop where I was living in a grocery basket. They rescued me from a life of living with shoes. It was quite traumatic. When they arrived at the shop, they had with them the most beautiful flatcat I have ever seen!! She is so very lovely, and her name is Rosie. She is my fiancée, and I love her very much. The Liza Mom made her special just for me. We will be married when Simon gets here with the Reverend Father Hodgebadger. Until that time, we are chaperoned by Lord Pevril. I'll let him introduce himself when he gets a chance. He sleeps between Rosie and me in the Liza bed. But we are good Catholic beasts and so he really is not needed. We have promised to behave ourselves until we are married.

Anyway - my name is Boris, and yes, I know, I have one big eye and little feets. It is how I am made, and I'm ok with this because I know I am loved, so it makes no difference what I look like.


Hi!! I'm Rosie! I'm a flatcat! - hehehe! The Liza Mom made me 'cause she was lonely in her big bed at night, and wanted to fill in the space next to her a bit. She also knew that Boris was coming to live with her, and she did not think that he should be alone, so she whipped me up from little snips and scraps from the sewing basket. I'm very happy with how she chose to make me, 'specially my fancy collar. I will be marrying Boris, we are very much in love. I knew from the first time I saw his handsome big eye, and his sweet pink self, that he was the one for me. Hehehe!! I'm very excited about the Hodges coming to live with us!! It's all very fun having them come from so far away in England to be here. Suzi and I will be able to share beauty secrets and stuff, and maybe if Boris and I have little ones, she can help me learn what to expect. She has very sweet little higlets, I can only hope our little ones will be as cute.


I, am Lord Pevril. I am Lord of Pevril Castle in Castleton, England. Yes, that means I am English, so you should be impressed (can't you see my accent?). I, also, was rescued, from a horrid gift emporium where sticky, yelling, obnoxious children run free until their parents buy them something. I am quite grateful. Liza and Simon purchased me, and one of my bin-mates, who went to live with an unusually kind little girl named Lizzie. We both were quite fortunate. My duty is to ensure that Boris and Rosie remain chaste until such time as they are married. This has not been difficult as they are both stuffed animals and don't move much. Still, they have requested the presence of a chaperone so there is no appearance of impropriety. Soon they will be married and I will be out of a job. I may return to England to regain control of my castle, unless Mr. Hodgebeast has a role for me in his dominion over the world. This would be convenient, as I would not be required to fly on a plane again, which is quite disturbing. Sheep are not meant to fly.


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