Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A Silk-Robed Son-of-a-Bitch

I apologize for what is perhaps a somewhat brutal title, and I also apologise for not discussing the final day of our recent trip up north - but this was something which resonated with me.

If you would like to read the news report on this matter, please do so. If you want to read my version of it, read on. In fact, in either case, read on - I do more than simply report a fact here.

The basics of the story are simple; a woman goes into an abortion mill for an abortion. And the abortion is botched and a living baby is delivered. The baby is struggling for breath and trying to cling to life - but the baby is alive. The baby has been born. The little girl child is alive and out of the womb and is breathing. The baby, by any standard, even the twisted standards of the pro-abortionists, is a living human being.

And a worker at the abortion mill takes the baby, and sweeps the living human being into a plastic bag, and throws the plastic bag onto the roof of the abortion clinic.

And, of course, the baby dies of exposure.

This is not a theoretical tale, this is not some hypothetical story designed to argue against the Born Alive Infants Protection Act . This is something which really happened. This is yet another example of the thing which Barack Obama says doesn't happen.

(Yes, Barack Obama claims people are never born alive after botched abortions. You know that guy doesn't let little things like facts get in the way of what he does, of course.)

The reaction to this tale around the office where I work was, as would be expected (given the fact I work with human beings not liberals who seem to only care about whales and gays), entirely horrified. It was the reaction of people who didn't believe this sort of thing could happen.

I, of course, had a slightly different reaction.

I am from Europe, of course, and so my reaction was just as horrified as theirs, just as disgusted - but not as shocked. I know this sort of thing happened on a daily basis only a few short centuries ago. 2000 years is not long in the history of the world, and leaving babies to die of exposure because they were unwanted was common practice for the ancient Greeks. The pagan world was full of that sort of stuff - it forms the foundation stone of tales of incest, patricide and revenge.

This ended when that civilization collapsed, and into the void came the Christian world. And that is a simple truism - there is nothing more to be said about that. When Christianity comes, child sacrifice stops.

But we now live in a post-Christian world, don't we? We're too sophisticated to believe the old legends, aren't we? We're so civilized and educated that we can kill children, aren't we?

Have you ever stopped to consider - a simple glance at two images will do - just how much our civilization looks like Greece? Like the nation that killed its children? Take a look at Washington and Athens.

Look at that. Look at the glory that was Greece - look at the nation that was a rotting carcase of decay inside, defended by loyal soldiers on the outside. Look at Washington and look at the decadence and child-sacrifice of Athens. And then look at the Marines and look at the Spartans.

There is a reason they look the same. Because they are.

The title of this blogpost is taken from this article - an excellent study of what liberals are. Liberals are people who, fundamentally, are traitors to human ideals. They are the people who say that civilization simply isn't worth defending, that the civilization we have had is just bad and wrong, and that it needs to be changed.

They forget that the civilization we have is the only one we have. They forget that outside of civilization there is simply darkness, madness and endless war. In the words of Mace Windu, Jedi do not fight for peace, they fight for civilization because only civilization creates peace.

And what do we have now? We have a world where not only do things like this happen - but people running for public office and who stand a strong chance of winning want this to happen.

Barack Obama voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. An act which, if it had not passed in the US Congress, would have made what this murderous witch who stuffed a living human child into a garbage bag did entirely legal (or, merely illegal because it would be something like "inappropriate disposal of medical waste").

Let's go over that again, liberals (really, the rest of this post is written as if the person reading it is a liberal supporter of Obama. Please continue to read if you are not, but you might find yourself being accused of things you don't do. When you see the word "you", rest assured it only refers to you if you are a liberal Obamaite).

Your messiah wants a world where this sort of thing is legal. He wants a world where she wouldn't have had to stuff the child in a garbage bag and throw her on the roof. She could have just waited a few hours and then stuffed her dead body in a garbage bag and disposed of her body entirely legally.

This is the world that Barack Obama wants. This is what the Harvard-educated silk-robed son-of-a-bitch who's never held a single job which wasn't paid for with tax-dollars wants. This is the world he is fighting for. This is what your donations have wrought.

Forget the economy. Forget the war in Iraq. Forget everything else - they don't matter. Obama wants a world where leaving children to die is legal. He wants a world as mad and as dark as the world before Christ.

And now, if you vote for him having read this, you want it too.

Seriously - check out this page. On that page is a video; it is polemic, but what is not? But there are also documents - or links to them, at least. Check them out. Read them. See that Obama genuinely did oppose the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. He worked for a world where infants would be left to die. His story about only opposing it because it didn't contain certain language is a lie. It is a damned, flat-out, total and complete lie. It covers up what he did because even he knows that what he did was wrong. And he has to hide it.

So, read that page. And then, if you vote for Barack, you know that you are voting for a man who thinks that children should be allowed to die. It's that simple. Everything else is meaningless - he supports the killing of 4000 children a day (the number killed by surgical abortions), wants to sign the Freedom of Choice Act (which would make abortion even easier, removing every single law which prevents it - so allowing partial birth, without parental notification, for any reason whatsoever), and wants to allow infanticide.

You know this now. I have told you. There is evidence in the links above.

If you vote for this man, you tacitly agree that this is okay. Or tolerable. Or acceptable when weighed against other things.

Yes, John McCain might bomb Iran. Yes, John McCain might stay in Iraq for 100 years. At the current rate of the war, that means somewhere in the region of 80,000 American soldiers would die (and that is a ludicrously exaggerated number - McCain never meant the war would last 100 years, and you know it).

It takes twenty days to kill that many babies with abortion.

Estimated civilian deaths so far are roughly 80 to 90 thousand. Call it 100 thousand. 110 thousand in total (civilian and military)? Good enough estimate? Over five years. So, 100 years of war at the current rate (which would be impossible, as anyone knows, but I'll play your damn numbers game) - 2.2 million.

At current abortion rates in the USA . . . . 550 days. Eighteen months and about a week. Give or take.

That's it. Those are your numbers.

I wrote this post while watching, of all things, Knight Rider. You remember that, right? 80's series about a man and his talking car. David Hasselhoff with his bouffant hair and leather jacket and chest wig and whatnot. The hero in black riding into town on his trusty steed - updated for the twentieth century, of course.

America was raised on these sort of stories. 20 years ago, we still believed in this kind of hero - a man who risked his life to make things right. A man who worked for the Foundation of Law and Government. A man who "champions the cause of the innocent, the powerless".

A man who does not exist .... not any more, I suppose.

Now our heroes are men who want to kill the innocent and the powerless.

Have we really changed so much?

Time will tell, I suppose. Time will tell me, to be precise, a some point of the morning of November the 5th.

If you were considering voting for Obama and you read this, then you have the facts. You are now, as we Catholics say, culpable. And if you vote for him, saying that "Well, that is okay" or "On balance it's alright because of the war" or some other fatuous excuse, well .... I just destroyed that argument for you. It's not even vaguely comparable.

If you vote for him, you approve of infanticide.

Not "choice". Not "change". Set that aside. Allow Roe v Wade to stand in this scenario - Obama says that already living children should be left to die of exposure. Without food, without comfort, without a blanket for warmth or even human companionship. Medical attention is simply out of the window.

Never mind that all the science says that a human fetus is a living human being - set that aside. A human fetus is certainly a human being when he or she is out of the womb and breathing the cold air of this hideous world we have given as his or her inheritance!

If you vote for the junior Senator from Illinois who won't release his academic or legal records and who has questionable ties to terrorists, you know what you are voting for. You are voting for the tacit approval of this. And yes, if I could vote, I would vote for the tacit approval of the deaths in Iraq - because they are not as bad as this. I would have no choice - just like the babies who are killed, of course.

And that approval makes you my implacable enemy and my implacable foe. I will fight you and your ilk with every breath in my body and every prayer in my heart. I will not rest until you or I are defeated and gone.

If there is justice in this world - karma, payback, cosmic scales, whatever - your plans will come to naught and your house will burn and you will suffer for your allegiance with the darkness.

But there is no justice in this world. And I know it.

But there is justice in the next.

I will see you all in Hell if you do this thing.

It's a while before November the 4th. You still have time.

Think on this when you read my future blogposts, which might bring the usual lighthearted funny back.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen. Did you read my ex-sister-in-law's blogpost? Because this ties in so much. Babies are only living things if they're wanted. Born or unborn. *sigh* It makes my heart heavy.

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a dark world we live in.

For such civilisation that the Greeks and Romans had, let us not forget the dark ages which followed.

Are we on the brink of falling back in them? Or are we too late to prevent it happening again?

Will the entire human race wipe itself out as global warming takes a strangle hold on our planet?

Should we be looking to move to the high ground to avoid the next flood?

4:40 AM  
Blogger Mercury Gray said...

Certainly have given me a lot to think about, Simon.

6:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said - too bad more people don't realize the truth in this. This is the number one reason I cannot and will not vote for anyone who is in favor of abortion. Bottom line - it's wrong, and I refuse to endorse it. People may think that's too narrow an issue - what's more basic than life or death? Thank you, Simon.

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless you Simon.You always say what I am thinking so eloquently.Stan

9:59 AM  
Blogger Melanie said...

Can't really think of anything to add to that, Simon. Eloquently and brilliantly said.

10:24 AM  

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