Sunday, July 03, 2005

t3h h0dg3b3457 15 1337!!!!11111

Suzi T. Hodgebeast and The Hodgebeast wish to announce the birth of their two children. Hodgebeast Jr. and Petunia T. Hodgebeast.

The Hodges wish to thank the Smooth One, Liza Papich, for assistance in the birth of the Hodgehiglets.

Hodgebeast Jr. is expressing a great curiosity about the world and appears to be following in the little fliddy footsteps of his father and is trying to annex the United States.

Petunia is excessively cute, and knows it. She has very big ears, but Liza thinks she will "grow into them."

A baptism of Hodgebeast Jr. and Petunia T. Hodgebeast will occur during the visit of the Hodges (and DK) to the United States. Fr. Hodgebadger will celebrate.

Deacon Smallbadger


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my, they are so sweet and petite. Wish the pix was clearer so as to see the features better, but they appear divine.I am sure you all are so pleased and happy at their birth. Can't wait to see them in person. I'm sure they'll be attending the wedding, along with your other "friends".

One question...what do all the #'s means on the header..ny curiosity is getting the best of me. Lin Mom

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"t3h h0dg3b3457 15 1337!!111" means "The Hodgebeast is leet" (elite).

It is a reference to the fact that the Hodgebeast (me) is now one of the "elite" - a term which is applied to those who are well-versed in the mysteries of the Intramawebtron.

OMG!!!111 I amz t3h h0dg3!!!1111 t3h pwnage!!!!1111 e pricklez0rn355!!!!!1111

The Hodgebeast

5:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I apologise for the Hodgebeast - he has been at the very strong fine coffee and the rare vanilla pastries.

The Hodgebeast - desiring to take over the world - has decided to align himself with what he considers to be the "yoof" of today; this has resulted in him using a vernacular which makes no sense whatsoever unless you are some sort of odd teenager.

I shall attempt to keep him under a tighter leash in future but - given the fact he is a megalomaniacal hedgehog with a god complex and prickles - this may be hard.

Gotta go - he's staging a coup by the fridge.


2:31 PM  

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