Thursday, September 29, 2005

The clock starts tickin' today!!!!!!

Well - it's finally in the mail!!! I had to let go of the packet to give it to the lady behind the counter, but it's now out of our hands and winging its way to the US Government!!!

Wow - what an incredibly emotional thing this is. I've been in a panic, I've been sad, I've been excited, anxious, angry, frustrated - you name it, I've been it. But today I am nothing but happy and hopeful!!

Just a little over two months and my sweet Brit will be with me for Christmas. Now that the petition is in the mail I can concentrate on getting the house together and planning his visit.

Today, I am a very, very happy girl!!



Blogger the hodge said...

Again, we are presented with some sort of loon, or - more likely - a spam-bot of some kind. Idiots!

I mean, really, while everyone would like a FREE LAPTOP COMPUTER! (or possibly a lemon wearing a fedora) this is not what you are advertising. You are really not.

What you are suggesting here is some sort of method by which we can give our details to you, in return for unwanted spam.

You, sir, are a braggart, a coward, a liar, a cad and a bounder. Begone from my presence, sir, or I shall demand satisfaction.


3:56 AM  

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