Wednesday, August 10, 2005

. . . fortunately, I have no mind to boggle

I, on the other hand, have different fingers.

I am not stressed by this - partially, it must be said, because I am not the one having to do much of this (like it or not, I can't actually help to sell a house, nor transfer jobs, nor even do much to organise the wedding. The distance reduces my input to a kind of "that's nice dear".)

Which is what I kind of want to talk about, but first things first;

I am not stressed, partially for the reasons above, but more for the simple fact I am not a project manager. I am a project doer.

This - in many respects - makes me the both the ideal partner for Liza and the classic annoyance. While she is spending hours making a flow chart and breaking something down into component tasks and so forth, I am drinking unmixed wine and contemplating the Sumatran Bay over Bucephalus.

Old Alexander the Great joke, don't let it worry you.

But that is rather the point - Liza is a Parmenio kind of character, planning and thinking and working things through; and worrying about them. I do not, I tend to charge in and just do it (very subtle Classical joke there). I make decisions, Liza makes plans.

In retrospect, there is much to recommend both methods - this whole escapade, when looked at as a single entity, is too large to be winged (wung?) It will require planning. Then again, if looked at as individual elements, it is too small and too flighty to plan. We cannot, for example, plan where we are going to move - we don't even know if Liza will or will not be here and when! Nor where or if she will be working! Nor, indeed, when the afore-mentioned Muffin Cat will arrive.

So, planned spontinaity is the order of the day. Fortunately, with Liza's tendency to overplan and panic in excellence, and mine to simply underplan and be calm even as it crashes around my ears, this is entirely achievable.

So, I am not worried or even concerned. But, then again, that is me.

What annoys me, and does not concern me, because I trust Liza, is my lack of input into the wedding.

Guys walk a fine line at weddings - the girl wants to organise the day which is, in every respect, more her big day than his. So, he does not interfere. However, to not interfere too much is to show a lack of interest.

It is not an easy line to walk.

I walk a line which is even harder - professing little or no interest in the wedding event itself because the marriage is more important, and yet wanting to avoid the razzamataz of the wedding detracting from the Body and Blood . . .

And yet the path I walk is chosen for me, because I am not chuffing there!

I can't do a damn thing - except be negative. My entire input to the wedding is, in fact, veto. Liza chooses something and I have to either agree - which is essentially saying "Liza, you decide" - or I can disagree - which is essentially saying "No."

The only input I have is negative.

I don't like this, I don't like this at all.

Okay, rant over.



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