Thursday, July 07, 2005

A very sad day for England

Today, some very desperate and evil people coordinated a terrorist attack on London, killing at least 40 people and wounding hundreds.

Simon is well, and I am so grateful for this. But my heart still breaks for those who have been effected by this in so many direct and indirect ways. Even those who did not personally loose a loved one or were injured themselves, are still hurt by this. I pray for them all.

This sort of event impacts all of us. Not only those in England and the UK, but all of us. As long as there are people in this world who will do such horrible acts, we are all impacted and we are all responsible for making it stop. Will we end terrorism and violence, ever? No, I don't believe that is possible. But we can continue to fight the good fight and try our best to make the world as safe as we possibly can.

I've already adopted England as my second home. This day has hurt me as much as 9/11 did. But I also am learning that the English are a very resilient people. It will be business as usual tomorrow in London, I'm sure of it. The Underground may be closed, at least partially, but they will still find a way to keep with their daily activity. And I like that attitude. It tells the beasts who did this that no matter what they do, no matter how hard they try, they can't stop us. They can't stop those who belive in what is good and right. They can't bend the world to their twisted ways.

We will never give up the good fight.



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