Thursday, August 18, 2005

OMG!! I’m not moving to England!

I’m still trying to get used to the idea - the decision made, only a short hour ago. Simon will be coming here!!! Yes - truly, and really, he will be coming HERE!!!

We are still getting married, we will still be together. But it will be here in my sweet little house, surrounded by my friends and family. I still can’t believe it’s true.

We talked till it was well into 1am for him. He has been thinking about it I guess, and has decided that it just doesn’t make sense to have me sell my house, move the Muffin, and all my belongings, when all he has is a room full of stuff, a small bit of debt, and not much else.

I was completely blown away by it. He started by saying, “this will make you smile…”. Well, it made me cry, heaving sobs actually. Tears for so many reasons. Tears of grieving this dream of moving to England, traveling Europe, a new life, and a new beginning. And tears of deep and intense happiness and relief. I never imagined that I could have Simon and my family too. I thought I would have to give one up for the other, and I just couldn’t let him go. Now I can have both. The reality of it still makes me catch my breath.

He said he is sure and is ready to make the move. So - now, instead of researching how to move a cat, a house, a job, and me - I need to start researching how does one immigrate to America! Wow - what a difference a day makes!!

But at the end of it, I made him promise me - we will move to England at some point!!! This desire in me has not changed. I want to be there, and live there, and raise our children there - should we be blessed to have them. But the thought of not having to make that big move alone, that I could actually have him here with me, and for us to do it together, makes it all seem so manageable, and not nearly as overwhelming. I was up to the challenge, and I would still do it today if need be, but this - well, this is just more than I ever imagined possible.

He said that all that matters is that he is with me. And if it means coming here to make that happen, then that’s what he will do. He doesn’t have to, I was perfectly willing to go there. But when I told him that the thought of being there pregnant and without friends or family was just terrifying to me, he asked, “is there anything terrifying about me being there with you in America?”. I said, “no“. He said, “then why would we even put you though that?”

This is the man I love. And I am continually reminded of why that is.
This is what happens when I finally let God handle my life for me. And I am continually reminded of why I do.



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