Saturday, September 17, 2005

Just a little update for ya...

Well, just when we thought the petition was going to go in the mail, I had my shoes on ready to walk out the door.....I wanted to check one final thing.


Looks like it's not a good idea to send in government forms with blank spots in them, or white out. So, my poor, patient Simon had to completely fill out four pages of crap all over again. Now these aren't four pages of different information. It's four pages, all the same. Just fill one out and make copies, you say? Remember who we are dealing with here, this is the US Government!! We can't do things the easy way!! What would THAT do? No, we have to fill out four documents with all the same information, just because they have tiny little notations on the bottom of which copy goes to which government agency. Unbelievable.

So he finished them last night and will post them to me tomorrow. Hopefully that will mean we can FINALLY get the petition in the mail and start the roller coaster ride of waiting on the Government to do --- whatever it is they do, with all the information.

In the mean time, I finally have a high speed connection at home and we are able to spend tons of time on Skype which is the most amazing invention in the world!!! We can talk for hours for free. check it out, they are the coolest.

It's been a crazy busy week for me this week. The project I'm working on at work is coming to an end this weekend so it's been insane these two weeks. On Saturday the 24th is the charity auction for the place I go on my retreat every year. I'll be all dressed up for this black tie dinner/auction/dance - and so sad that Simon can't be there with me. Next year though, I'll have him right by my side, all spiffed up in a tuxedo and looking as sexy as ever.

Anyway, that's the latest with us. Playing the waiting game, but we have done that since the day we met, so we are very good at it!

Counting the days till he will be here at Christmas - it won't come soon enough for me.



Blogger the hodge said...

What? Who are you? Are you some sort of odd spam bot? Or are you a genuine person, attempting to sell fireplaces?

I mean, come on! This blog is hardly even peripherally connected with fireplaces. Do I come along to your fireplace mantle site and say "Hey, nice site - allow me to tell you about my site which features lemons wearing fedoras. Mostly, it's lemons, in fedoras."

I mean, what is it with you? I understand you make a living selling fireplaces. I understand that people aren't buying enough of them - damnable people, buying only one fireplace per room! Curse them and their desire to not be incinerated in some hideous conflagration!

But . . . why are you telling us here? Is there something I should know about - perhaps those moving to the USA need fireplaces? Maybe they won't let me in if I don't have one?

Hmm - cunning.


10:27 AM  

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