Saturday, December 10, 2005

One week from today!

I'll be picking up my sweet one from the airport!!

The time since June, when he left here, has gone fast and slow. It feels like a million years since I've seen him, and yet here we are with only a week to go, and hopefully we will be together again.

For months now I've been going from freaking out to - um - freaking out, about whether or not he will be allowed through by immigration for this visit. I've lost sleep over it, I've nearly made myself sick over it. But this past week a quiet calm has come over me at the realization that I have no control over it. I've said that I will accept God's will in this, and like it or not, this is part of it. If they don't let him in, I have to accept that too. Doesn't mean I will like it, doesn't even mean I have to. Acceptance and approval are not the same thing.

So now I wait and count the final week, which I know will fly by before I know it. And just have hope that he will be here with me - finally. After so many days of waiting, planning, and dreaming.

You know - there are some that are surprised that we have held out for as long as we have. We haven't grown bored with the distance, we haven't lost interest. I've learned so much about myself over the past 17 months, and about us as a couple. I know I can be happy with myself, happy alone, and don't have to have constant companionship to be happy. I know that I would prefer NOT to be alone, but I know that it's not what makes me, but what completes me. I've learned that we have an amazing trust of one another. How many couples can trust each other with thousands of miles between them, and never question the other's integrity? I've never once wondered - I don't believe he has either. It has built a level of respect between us that I've not known before. -----and there are those who wonder how you can build a relationship when you aren't together-----

Today he's off doing last minute Christmas shopping, and the buying of a bigger suit case, and I will do the final moving of stuff around the house and a good deep clean before the work week sucks up the rest of the days before he arrives. It's funny, but I've noticed this pattern. Before every meeting we seem to have only minimal communication due to last minute preparations. It makes that meeting at the end only that much sweeter.

I will see you soon love!!! One week from today!



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