Thursday, June 01, 2006

Waaaaz uuuup!

Yes - we know - you are all wondering if there's anything new with us. So instead of letting all the critters do all the talking, I thought I'd give a little update. Little being the key word.

Let's see, what's been going on... I will be picking up our invitations this weekend from the printer, can't wait to see them!!! I was so excited when the woman called and told me they were ready, and that they really turned out beautiful. Simon's response - "well, she's not going to tell you they look like a bag of arse, is she." That's my dearly beloved for ya. :-)

Mom and I have pretty much beat the whole flower decisions to death - I'm sure she's tired of it already. But I'm sure everything will be lovely, now that we have it figured out. Red and ivory roses - the rest is up to her.

I went for what's known as a "hair trial". This is where you spend a sickening amount of money to see what your hair will look like on the big day, so you don't end up looking like Marge Simpson because the stylist had no idea that you didn't want that massive pile of ringlets on top of your head. I am very pleased with the outcome, and really am glad I did it, it's now one less thing to worry about.

We have finalized things at the restaurant and the hotel, and I'm working on the whole parking debacle this week. Don't ask, just Ooo and Ahhh when you come in from the river front entrance, and don't think about what it's costing. It will be worth it in the long run.

My good friend, Cris, from work, has agreed to do our photos for us!! I'm am so excited about this I can hardly stand it!! She has never done a wedding before, and so we are both excited about the prospect. She and I both like the same style of photography - NO staged triangles of people standing still in formation. Just nice candid shots of people having a nice time. It's all we want, and I think she will be fantastic. She is a very good amateur photographer already, this is just another step in her learning new stuff to do with her very fancy and cool camera. We are going to crash some weddings soon at my church so we can see where the pros set up, and how the mass goes as far as where they put the bride and groom and stuff. That should be fun! She's in Mexico for two weeks - so say a prayer for safe travel and fun times with family.

Simon has finalized things with Evan, his Best Man. Or at least he has told me as much. I have told him (Simon) that I trust him (Evan) explicitly to get him (Simon) to the church on time, and without a hang over. I'm sure he (Evan) will do a fantastic job of this. He (Simon) thinks I'm crazy to trust the wild Jewish California boy - I think he (Evan) will be just fine.

Ahhhhh, the guest list. No matter how many times I go over and over it, I just can't make 80 people cram into the space of 60. Sux having a budget sometimes.

We have also decided on the gameplan for the big day:
- Arrive at church
- Get married
- Take some photos
- Go to luncheon
- Eat food and cake
- Shake hands, hug, kiss people we don't know, and some we do
- Leave everyone to, act like married people
- 8pm, meet back up with everyone at the pub, have a couple drinks, go back to.....acting like married people

This will be nice in that we get to have some very well needed alone time, and give our visitors some time to visit and see the city and do stuff, and not feel like they have to spend 8 hours in the same room with the same people. A good plan all around.

So that's about it for the wedding plans.

On the home front - I have been having neighbor wars with the neanderthal beast who lives next door to me. He has insisted on leaving his dog out to bark for hours at a time, sometimes until 1:30am. I got tired of it, and called the police a few times. Well - this past weekend, at 1am, after the police left, he went TOTALLY ballistic!!! He stood out under my window and SCREAMED the most vile and disgusting insults and threats I've ever heard. It was totally out of hand. So I called the police again - and that was not exactly a positive experience either. Apparently the officer banged on my door and rang my bell, but I didn't hear it because I have a fan on up stairs. He also wondered why I had waited 40 minutes after the bellowing idiot to call, and um, well, perhaps I was a bit distraught after being threatened to NOT call the police again! DUH! So, anyway, it's been relatively quiet the past couple nights, just hoping it stays that way and we don't have to get into a "you know what" match again. I feel sooooo sorry for the wife and kids - to have to live with an idiot like that - sheesh. There is a reason they call it Hazel Tuckey - it lives next door to me.

Ok - this was going to be short. So much for that idea!!

That's the latest! Stop by again soon - maybe Simon will have something to share. He has his moving boxes, and has given notice at work. Big doin's on his side of the pond!!!



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