Monday, June 11, 2007

Behold how I am NOT dead!

Yes, indeed - I am NOT dead! Well, I might be. I don't know, actually - how does one determine such a thing? I am not eating, excreting or breeding right now. So, I might be dead.

Anyway, I am still capably of typing and various other things. So, I daresay that is close enough for horseshoes.

Where to begin? Firstly, with an apology to all those who have been eagerly awaiting updates and have got none of them - very sorry INDEED for this! Thanks also to everyone who posted comments - including Myles, who identified himself by name!

So, to the news!

Item the first : I have a Green Card!

Item the first and a half : It's not green, which I felt was disappointing. I wanted a green Green Card. Anyway, this thing allows me to stay here (in the USA) pretty much indefinitely and work and pay taxes and so forth. So, that's all good.

Item the second : Liza and I are coming to the UK in September; we shall be having a blessing ceremony at Ste. Marie's Cathedral in Sheffield (that's the Catholic Cathedral) at 10:30 AM on Saturday 30th September followed by some sort of celebration in the Parish Hall afterwards. That evening, we may VERY WELL go out and get drunk / celebrate etc. All are welcome to attend the Mass, the party or the drinking. Or all three. Please, do come - it would be lovely to see everyone.

Item the third : I went on the GM hotrod power tour - an amazing combination of muscle cars and '65 Chevys and what not. I was part of the video crew, and spent a weekend wandering around a car park in Ohio looking at about 2500 classic cars. All fun and games, there.

So, that is the current state of play in the USA - I'm still working for the same company, and I am still getting paid etc. Currently trying to understand the US tax code. And I can't. So, there you go.

I feel quite American.


Blogger Lisa Campbell said...

lol...good luck with tax code..we all scratch our heads on that one!

Glad to see you are not dead (or are dead but can still write eloquently and with great wit which is better than many who are alive and write tomes that are boring beyond death)!

Congrats on the trip to UK! I am sure you two kids will have such a wonderful time and you better post pics when you return so we can see all and unsdry from the UK!

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea....You are back! Got really tired of pulling up this blog and nothing new there..not even about our great time when you came to N.C.

Congats on the not-so-green card.

Wish O and I could be going with you to the U.K. but maybe in the future. Liza needs to meet your P's with out the in-laws tagging along. And with us being such degenerates and all....grin

Love you guys...keep up the good work...Mom/Lin

9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its great to hear from you Simon, I would love to meet up with you on your return to GREAT Britain. Maybe we can have a pint / slimline tonic & discuss memories past (like the age incident). You know my work email please drop me a line for old times sake.

Big Hugs & Kisses,

5:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

alright simon,
good to hear your not dead (possibly). not that i thought you were dead; just maybe lost your arms. that said; if it does turn out that you are actually dead can i have the movies rights? "return of the loquacious dead" has a kinda ring to it don't you think?
you should enjoy your return to the uk (englandshire that is) massive improvements have been made. thanks largely to yahweh, rotherham is now a lovely water feature, and meadowhell has been closed. wahoo!
all the best, and keep in touch.

4:24 AM  

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