Friday, September 08, 2006

He's heeeeere!

It's been a week today already, I can't believe it! Since the day he landed, we have been running like crazy people! Spending time with family and friends, and now he's volunteering full time at a Catholic apostolate near by. It's so good to finally have him here - but I realized today that we don't talk nearly as much as when he was 3,000+ miles away! But I did suspect that would happen, so I'm not surprised by it. Once the wedding is past us and we can settle into more of a routine, we will need to make a point of "us time" in the midst of our busy schedules.

How wonderful though, to not have to be tied to a computer just to say hello or good morning. :-) It's all good!

Three weeks from tomorrow is the big day! WOW!!!! I can't believe how fast the time is flying by. Life is so short - we need to grab our happiness while we can.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are all so glad that Simon is here safe and not letting any moss grow under his feet. Can't wait to see you both and as they say down here..."hug your neck". Love you guys....Mom/Lin

7:35 PM  

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