Saturday, August 26, 2006

Wee piles o' stones

Right, Lewis appears to not consist entirely of God-forsaken swamp - a considerable amount of it appears to be piles of stones.

Today, we went and looked at the Calanish stones (note for students of linguistics; these stones are called something else in Gaelic, but I think they just make the names up). Said stones are a bit like Stonehenge, but not in Salisbury.

We also saw a Brok - which is a sort of fort / palace thing in pre-Roman times. It was very large, but built for very small people with low doors and so forth.

We then went to see black houses - which are a sort of house built out of dry stones and with thatched roofs.

Ultimately, these things are all piles of stone. That appears to be one of the technological limitations of the island - the idea of building appears to be to put stones on top of each other. Then again, I'm not sure exactly how else one is supposed to build anything . . .

We also saw the sea - which was next to a pebbly beach - and I fell over and got covered in algae, which I don't recommend. Still, it was a laugh and I got to see the Atlantic - which is rather large and wet.



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