Thursday, August 10, 2006

Official Statement

In light of the current domestic situation of increased terror alert in the United Kingdom, and the impact this has on many individuals in her ally, the United States of America, I have taken it upon myself to issue the following formal statement, which can and should be passed to any and all parties concerned.

The practical impact of the increased security at United Kingdom airports is, at worst, an inconvenience and nothing more. Any concern which might be felt is entirely down to illogical emotional reactions, and I urge everyone to keep calm and not imagine disasters where none exist.

I understand that people are concerned for my safety. This is, in itself, touching although unwarranted. The logical conclusion to draw is that the increased security currently employed at UK airports makes travelling safer, not otherwise.

And, just in case anyone is not crystal clear on this.

I am not afraid - neither should any of you be. I have had my life and the lives of those I love threatened by far more immediate and pressing dangers before, and this does not phase me in the slightest. If there are people out there who think they can injure and hurt and cow my nation which has stood involate and uninvaded for nearly 1000 years by simple terror, they are very, very mistaken.

To those individuals, on behalf of my nation, I say this;

You'd better be damn sure you know what the Hell you are doing - 'cause sure as sunrise Her Majesty's Government won't let you have a second chance. You'd better be damn sure you can hit us so hard we never get up again - 'cause nothing else will make us surrender. You'd better be damn sure you're 100% committed - 'cause we'll be on you like a lion if you're not.

You know where we are - we're where we always have been, heads above the parapet. You are where you always have been - slinking and hiding and skulking in shadows.

I'm flying on the 1st of September to Detroit - come Hell or high water. Thousands more of us will fly to the USA before and after that.

You know where we will be.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just can't wait for you to get here safe and sound. We are ya Simon...Mom and O

7:13 PM  

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