Wednesday, July 23, 2008

So good, it has multiple airports to facilitate an easy exodus

Okay, so on the 23rd of June myself and the boss went to Manhattan to talk with Amigot (a web design company) about the website they are designing for us. And I took the camera, which I used to take photographs. And I am posting them here, mainly because it's my blog, and I don't need an excuse. These photos aren't very good, but hey, it's my blog. You want interesting images, do you? Do you? Well, then you should have gone to Lord Lichfield's blog, shouldn't you? What did you come here for? Why are you here? Evidence would suggest that you are gluton for punishment.

A shot of my boss in the New York taxi-cab, checking his text messages on the 'phone. Or perhaps just praying as we weave through crazy traffic.

Some picture taken off a bridge, or something.

Another shot of a bridge - this is a different bridge, I think. It has a Golden Gate quality to it, but clearly isn't. As that is in the 'Frisco Bay. Where they have fruits, nuts and flakes.

A rare sight in New York - a taxi-cab on a bridge. I was clearly very lucky to snap this shot.

Another bridge shot. What do you expect when I go visit a city built on islands?

I have no idea why I took this shot.

Oooo! Look, arty! Or, alternatively, me failing to hold the camera straight as we approach some sort of bridge. I don't know what this bridge was - we were travelling from Flushing to Manhattan. It could have been the Triborough, but I don't think it was.

I was just unfesabily impressed with this - it was a fire-escape on the side of a building. That's just seven kinds of awesome right there.

Hey, it was 42nd Street. What was I supposed to do? Steal the sign? Chorus line not pictured.

This was just a shot of some large skyscraper. I dunno why I took it - it looked cool.

This building had a really cool metallic exterior, like it was made of discared take-out trays or something. Maybe it was, I don't know much about NYC.

The Pershin Square cafe where Russ used to take Anne for donuts and coffee. I snapped that because Mike pointed it out, and I felt it would have been rude not to.

Grand Central Station - does exactly what it says on the tin.

"Oh, say can you see . . . " Yes, I can, although it seems as if I can't see as well. Perhaps I didn't have the flash on or something?

Another shot of GCS. Looks kinda cool, really.

Me in GCS. Ladies, I'm looking at you!

Okay, this was after my meeting. We walked out of the office, and were just standing on the sidewalk talking, and then I looked up and was all like Mayor Ebert from Godzilla (the new, poorer, remake) - only I didn't say "G**-d***". Anyway - "It's the Chrysler Building!"

It's still the Chrysler Building. It's not been knocked down by the USAF trying to hunt a gigantic irradiated lizard that breaths fire and becomes spontaneously pregnant. I actually considered that false advertising.

The other side of the Chrysler Building. It appears to have four way rotational symmetry.

Right, this is the UN. Mike went "Look! The UN!" and so I snapped a shot.

Another shot of the UN. Mike was getting nervous by this point, as he was actually in a car with two foreign nationals, one of whom was taking pictures of the United Nations Building.

A suspension bridge, on the way back to Flushing and Laguardia. I don't know which bridge it was - except it's not the largest single span suspension bridge in the world, as that is the Humber. Which clearly rocks.

This is a shot on a bridge - it might be the same bridge. I dunno. They all looked very similar, to be perfectly frank.

Yeah, the standard of photography has really gone downhill since we invented digital cameras. When you were burning through silver-nitrate, you tended to be a little more circumspect.

I was just so impressed by the fact a Catholic store had Chinese characters on it. That was pretty awesome as far as I was concerned.


Blogger Mercury Gray said...

Simon, you should come to Chicago some time. It's a very picture-worthy town. I'll even do some reading on chicago architechture and make a tour!

6:55 PM  
Blogger Queen Anne said...

Simon. It's a fire escape. It's only five kinds of awesome.

Though, I'm impressed that you linked to my journal to explain the phrase. Thank you!

And to be honest with you, I was thoroughly entertained by your pictures.

8:16 AM  
Blogger Queen Anne said...

Oh, and your boss totally reminds me of Tony Danza.

9:07 PM  

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