Sunday, May 17, 2009


Life, you know, is precious.

Everyone says this, but I think we don't always realize it.

Today was the day Barack Obama spoke at Notre Dame. There is much to be said about this (and we have said it) but what I want to blog about today is the hatred and vitriol thrown towards life by liberals.

Yeah, I said it. Liberals, you suck.

I have spent a lot of this evening engaged in public debate on YouTube (sheesh! Why do I bother?) with various people. Check out the comments log for the video in question - look for the comments dated today (the 17th).

Just above, I asked why I bother. I think about this often. I don't like people. I think they are (generally speaking) stupid and capricious and foolish and barely worthy of my time. And yet, here I am, being the lone voice defending the right of very small people to live. A right everyone else (it seems) wants to take away.

Does this mean I care? Does this make me a good person? I mean, am I ever going to meet anyone my actions saved? Even if I did meet a child whose life I saved in utero by convincing his mother not to murder him, he would never know. A mother wouldn't reveal that thing to her son, and certainly wouldn't give enough information for someone to determine precisely who convinced her not to kill.

Why do I do it? I don't even like people - I really don't. And I know most of the children who would be aborted will (sadly enough) have lives which are less than ideal. Is actually living all that great? It is automatically preferable to not living?

I don't know. I really don't. This is a bit of an open and honest revelation for a Catholic anti-abortion apologist. I do honestly not know if the children who are actually aborted would ALL welcome living their life as opposed to being killed in utero and then (we presume) going straight to Heaven.

Of course, this is where my loyalty and humility come into play - I simply trust the words of my Church and my God. They tell me abortion is wrong and needs to be fought - so I fight it. I fight it in all cases, even those where I am honestly not personally sure (based on my own intellect) it is the right thing to do.

Why? Because I trust my own intellect less than I trust my Church's.

Also, there are OTHERS impacted by abortion. Abortion is murder - it is a sin. So, if a woman (or a man) is involved in procuring an abortion, he or she does something bad (a sin). That means, in general, and without other factors being involved, the person goes to Hell when they die.

Which I guess means I care about people enough to try to stop that happening to them.

Or do I? Really? Because, at the end of all things, my life orbits around this simple premise - I want to get to Heaven and please God. And in order to do that, I have to behave as He asks me to. And He tells me to "preach the Gospel". PART of which is arguing against abortion and trying to keep people out of Hell.

I wonder; am I altruistic, or just supremely selfish? I am willing to set aside my own intellectual misgivings about certain things simply to procure myself a place in Heaven?

Do I actually CARE about most people I defend?

What kind of miserable excuse for a Christian am I?