Friday, August 14, 2009

Quick update because Shaak Ti is working hard!

Shaak Ti is working very hard right now, and so is running slowly so I can only make a quick update.

eBay is running at $512.41!


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Last update before bed!

Well, the jump to over $450 was not caused by the two items which just closed - one of my books got a bid on it - but then we were put firmly into the $450s by a sudden frenzy of bidding on Gwaihir. So, the total right now stands at $457.85, with several items finishing tomorrow. I have to post a few things in the morning, and will be watching the auctions with interest tomorrow night - those items have already attracted a lot of interest and have many watchers!


A whisker off $450!

It has become increasingly difficult to track how much money I have "made" on eBay - I deleted a completed auction from my history, and a couple of Liza's mum's things sold, so shouldn't be included in my total.

Still, based on my calculations, my auctions are running at $449.07. Of course, the profit I have made from this is much less - as not all the auctions have finished, and I have not been paid for some of the completed auctions yet. Even so, I am at a current profit of over $300 - which is nice.

Expect further updates in less than half an hour, as that is when two auctions are ending - auctions which may develop into a bidding frenzy!


Monday, August 10, 2009

eBay update

Well, not many updates over the weekend, mainly because I was listing more items, many items were ending and it was all a wee bit complicated.

Anyway, I think we have a definitive break now - there has been a day or so without any auctions ending, and the next auctions (of my stuff) end tomorrow.

So, here is the breakdown - so far eBay stuff has sold for $391.18, and the multiple auctions I have up at the moment are running at $28.04 currently. We were forced to take down the stuff we were selling for a friend - it simply was not generating interest, and we did not want things to go for nothing. So, we are out a couple of bucks of seller's listing fees.

Similarly, three items we are selling for Liza's mother are not selling right now, although there is some interest. Those auctions also negatively impact our profits.

Because I am waiting for some people to pay for items, and because I have paid seller's fees up front, it is difficult to give a meaningful profit margin. I must admit that I am annoyed by the various fees eBay and PayPal take - but, I suppose, this is the cost of doing business.

However, currently the items which will sell or have sold are running at $419.22, which is not too shabby. I have every confidence this number will rise to the mid $400s by the time all the items have sold, as most have several watchers but not many bids and are currently very low-priced.


Friday, August 07, 2009

And this is why people need to be dispassionate

I am not, by nature, an emotional person. I can give a very good impression of an emotional person. In fact, I shall do it now;

Drat! I should have used the phrase "I'm not an emotional person, I just play one on a blog!" That would have been awesome, but now the opportunity has passed! Curses!"

See? Entirely faked.

There is an advantage to not being emotional - you don't get carried away. My eBay sales have just broken $400 - thanks in no small part to the craziness of two bidders bidding on this item. The item in question is an Emperor Class Battleship for Battlefleet Gothic and - at the time of typing, when there is about 2 min left to go on the auction, it is running at $37.

Look upon this page, wherein one can buy a brand new, unassembled, complete and totally in a box version of the same model. Do we notice anything a more observant, less emotional person might have noticed?

Ah, yes.

Still. $400. Can't beat that with a stick. This last-minute frenzy is the only reason I stayed up to watch the bidding. My wife is damn cute, and it takes a lot to keep me out of her bed. Emotional insanity is one such thing.


Sexually Frustrated Geeks Make Good Customers

Thanks to this auction for teeny, tiny sexualized lumps of metal . . . . my eBay is now up to $385.96!


Broken $350!

Yes, thanks to people bidding on a Mordheim rulebook (which is, as far as I am aware, out of print) and raising the price to over $20, I have now broken the $350 barrier!

Tonight, Liza and I are going to have datenight and put together a 500 piece jigsaw of Luke Skywalker, which should sell rather well I think. It is collectible, no?

And I have a number of auctions ending tonight too - including three which have shown lots of bidding action, but only from a few bidders. Each of these items, however, has fourteen or fifteen watchers! So, hopefully and with any luck, tonight there will be bidding war!

Bwahahaha! Bwaha! Haha! Ha.


Morning sales over

Well, the second batch of items has now completed selling itself - and thanks to a bit of a bidding war on some Deathwatch Space Marines, the total value is now up to $332.62!

Now, I just have to wait for payment on a couple of them, and then ship them all out! More items end tonight - and I really should find some more things to sell. I am nurturing the vauge hope I can pay for my new water heater in the basement with eBay sales!

Argh! No! I have become old and dull! I am selling toy soldiers from my youth to pay for home repairs!


Friday morning update on the electronic-bay!

So, two items ended this morning, and there was a bit of a bidding war on one of them, so the total value of all the items I have sold or am selling has now risen to $321.02!

I broke $300!!! This is a very cool, thing because we managed to be $300 overdrawn at the bank . . .


Thursday, August 06, 2009

First round of selling done!

Yes, the first five items have sold and, thanks to a sudden frenzy of bidding on the Limited Edition Emperor's Champion, I made quite a bit of cash!

So, including the stuff which has already sold, I am currently hovering just below $300 at $298.04! I have every confidence by the time I wake tomorrow I shall have broken the $300 dollar mark! Excitement!


Small Bidding Frenzy on Free Models!

Well, I didn't pay for them.

No, seriously, I didn't - I was painting them for Games Workshop when I quit, and I totally forgot about them! And I felt marginally guilty about that, until they then decided (in gross defiance of employment laws) to say "Thank you for tendering your resignation, and thank you for giving us four weeks notice to train your replacement, which is two more than you are required to give. We are, however, saying you are gone in a week, because we only have to give you a week if we fire you. We aren't firing you, however, because you said you quit, and we'd need a reason to do that, obviously."

Yeah. That annoyed me, as it cost me nearly a month's wages.

Anyway, these models stayed in my case and I don't feel that guilty about keeping them after how they treated me at the end.

Here is the link to the models and there has been a sudden flurry of bidding - a person who wanted them badly (has bid twice before) has now met someone who also wants them badly! It's a war!

And I am the victor! It's like being an arms dealer or something - I guess I am selling soldiers.

Up to $239.26!


Little things have sold

Some little things I posted yesterday have now got bids, so I am up to $234.02!


Significant update

Well, perhaps not - eBay is now running at $232.04! But, the significant thing is that I have now got bids on all of the items ending today - and they all have many watchers! So, excitement is coming!

Am I too optimistic to hope for $300?


Morning update

Early morning update : eBay sales are now at $227.05!


Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Nearing an arbitary point!

We are now up to $197.51, which is nearly $200 and that is entirely arbitary.

In other news, at we broke 500 subscribers today! Yay!


Another update

This could become tedious, but it is my blog, alright?

It is 2111hrs EST, and the total value of auctions has increased to $192.01. The additional $5.51 has come exclusively from an increased bid on the item ending soonest - I think the frenzy has begun!


Of COURSE I know where my towel is, Mercury!

Sheesh! Some authoresses!

Update news : eBay stuff now running at $186.50 - with one item ending within 24 hours, and many more items ending in the less-well-defined "tomorrow".


It's 5:30 PM EST - do you know where your eBay is?

I totally know where my eBay is. I am a frood who knows where his eBay is at.

I have auctions ending soon, and as I am taking tomorrow off, I shall be watching them closely. I intend to give updates when the status of the auctions change.

So far, my items stand at a total value of $185.51, with just over a day to go on the earliest auction. They have many watchers, and so I suspect the price will rise even higher! Bwahahahahaha! Bwaha! Ha! Ho.
